Thursday 5 January 2017

10 Artists to look out for in 2017- Cabbage

   8-  Cabbage
From- Manchester
For Fans Of- Drenge, Fat White Family, Palma Violets

Cabbage are the newfound bad-boys of modern British rock music. Using their music to display their political angst, Cabbage are one of the most socially important new bands of the last decade. Don’t be fooled by the band’s somewhat humorous name, Cabbage are dead serious about producing loud, carnage-filled tunes that will hopefully create a cultural uprising. Singing about when David Cameron called Jeremy Corbyn a ‘terrorist sympathiser’ in their latest single is no surprise to this blogger, Cabbage are a deeply anti-Tory, anti-capitalism musical outfit with many weapons in their arsenal. I just pray that 2017 is ready for Cabbage because they’re going to be seismically huge. 

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